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Python search string contains characters

I have a data below:


I want to find whether col has non-numeric value and return.

col1         col2 
086945159    086945159
549615853    549615853
589ac2546    Nan
GED456231    Nan
F56hy8W12    Nan
111111111    Nan
222222222    Nan

I used re.search(r'[^0-9]+', str) to find. However, how can I use this in apply() since if value in col has the same number, like 11111111 and 222222222 , this should return Nan .

You can use mask with conditional pattern:

# first part to match any non-digit
# second part to match identical characters
df['col2'] = df.col1.mask(df.col1.str.contains(r'\D|^(.)\1*$'))


        col1       col2
0  086945159  086945159
1  549615853  549615853
2  589ac2546        NaN
3  GED456231        NaN
4  F56hy8W12        NaN
5  111111111        NaN
6  222222222        NaN

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