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Dynamically retrieve class information in Powershell

So the question is fairly simple but I'm not sure how to word it in order to find the answer.

I'm trying to access a class ie [MyCustomClass] in order to check static properties but I need to do it dynamically. How do I inject the class name like [$className] ?

Or are there any cmdlets or .NET class functions I can use for this purpose? I tried searching Get-Command *Class* and some similar commands but am not coming up with anything.

There are 2 primary options for resolving a given type by name, each with slightly different behavior:

  1. Using a cast to [type] :
$className = 'MyCustomClass'
$myType = [type]$className

Attempting to cast a non-existing type name will throw an exception:

PS ~> [type]'Not actually a type'
Cannot convert the "Not actually a type" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Type".
At line:1 char:1
+ [type]'Not actually a type'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidCastFromStringToType
  1. Using the -as type conversion operator (introduced in PowerShell version 3.0):
$myType = 'MyCustomClass' -as [type]

Unlike casting, the -as operator never throws - it simply returns $null :

PS ~> $myType = 'this does not exist' -as [type]
PS ~> $null -eq $myType

Common for both of these is that you can now resolve the static members of [MyCucstomClass] :


The static member operator :: also works on instance references, so if you have an object of type [MyCustomClass] , use that in place of a type literal:

class MyClass
  static [string] $StaticValue = 'Static string value'
PS ~> $instance = [MyClass]::new()
PS ~> $instance::StaticValue
Static string value

You can use Invoke-Expression to run something you still have to build:

$class = 'DateTime'
Invoke-Expression "[$class]::Now"

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