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Powershell Base64 URL-safe encode the binary hash string above to make it suitable for HTTP requests

I want to Base64 URL-safe encode my "binary hash string" value that comes as input from my previous code line to make it suitable for HTTP requests, ie final_hash = base64_url_safe_encode(binary_hash_str). Where i can use the final hashed password for authentication purpose in powershell. I was not able to find any code in powershell.

Converting a byte array to base64 in PowerShell can be done with [Convert]::ToBase64String() :

$binString = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("Secret string")
$base64String = [Convert]::ToBase64String($binString)

If you want to use the resulting base64 string as part of the request payload (eg. a header or part of the request body), you can go ahead and use it as is:

Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Header @{ Authorization = "Basic ${base64String}"}

If you need to pass it as a query parameter in the url itself, escape it with [uri]::EscapeDataString() :

$URI = 'https://domain.tld/path?param={0}' -f [uri]::EscapeDataString($base64String)
Invoke-WebRequest $URI

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