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How do I found out if a Subnet mask is valid with C#

I am in need to find out how I can find out if a provided subnet mask example ( is a valid subnet mask and return true if it is valid and false if not, I already am checking if the value is over 255. A wrong subnet would be (

It makes a lot of sense in binary (11111111.01000000.00000000.00000000) A subnet can not stop having 1's, and then start having them again. My current idea involves using bitshift, but am unsure how to do it.

I am not using any libaries and am not allowed for this project

The code I am using goes something like

    Console.WriteLine("Enter a subnet mask");
    input = Console.ReadLine(); //Enters example of which is invalid

Thanks in advance, ask questions if needed

You can try this way:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Example
    public class Program
        public struct byte_array
            public byte byte0;
            public byte byte1;
            public byte byte2;
            public byte byte3;

            public UInt32 Addr;
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            byte_array b_array = new byte_array();
            int i;
            b_array.byte3 = 255;
            b_array.byte2 = 64;
            b_array.byte1 = 0;
            b_array.byte0 = 0;
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:X4}", b_array.Addr));
            for(i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
                if(((1 << i) & b_array.Addr) == 0)
            for(; i >= 0; i--)
                if(((1 << i) & b_array.Addr) != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Bad Mask!");

I looked for a library method, but couldn't find one. Here's how I would write it for IPv4 addresses only;

public static bool IsValidMask(string mask)
    // 1) convert the address to an int32
    if (!IPAddress.TryParse(mask, out var addr))
        return false;
    var byteVal = addr.GetAddressBytes();
    if (byteVal.Length != 4)
        return false;
    var intVal = BitConverter.ToInt32(byteVal);
    intVal = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(intVal);

    // A valid mask should start with ones, and end with zeros 0b111...111000...000

    // 2) XOR to flip all the bits (0b000...000111...111)
    var uintVal = (uint)intVal ^ uint.MaxValue;

    // 3) Add 1, causing all those 1's to become 0's. (0b000...001000...000)
    // An invalid address will have leading 1's that are untouched by this step. (0b101...001000...000)
    var addOne = uintVal + 1;

    // 4) AND the two values together, to detect if any leading 1's remain
    var ret = addOne & uintVal;

    return ret == 0;

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