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Is there a way to transfer a value of an int from one object to another within the same class via method in c#

    class Bank
        private String accoutNumber;
        private double credit;
        public String AccountNumber
            get { return accoutNumber; }
            set { accoutNumber = value; }
        public double Credit
            get { return credit; }
            set { credit = value; }

        public Bank() { }
        public Bank(String accoutNumber)
            this.accoutNumber = accoutNumber;
        public Bank(String accoutNumber, int credit)
            this.accoutNumber = accoutNumber;
            this.credit = credit;

        public void addBalance(int ammount) { credit += ammount; }
        public void vyber(int ammount)
            if (ammount > credit)
            credit -= ammount;
        public void transfer(int ammount, String accoutNumber)
            if (ammount > credit)
            //else transfer from one object to another


(in another file i am using the transfer method to transfer credit from one object to another, i just don't know how to do that, also i am not using any files for database, it is as simple as it could possible be)

    Bank object1 = new Bank("1234567890/1234", 10000);
    Bank object2 = new Bank("7845213154/1448", 7000);
    object1.transfer("7845213154/1448", 2000)
    //object1's credit = 8000
    //object2's credit = 9000 

It sounds like what you're trying to do here is:

  • you have multiple objects of some type (perhaps called Account ), each of which has an identity defined by accountNumber
  • when transferring funds, you want to look up a different account by number, and access that

Now: there is no automatic pre-build index of objects by their accountNumber . That is something you would need to add separately . For example, you might have a Dictionary<string, Account> , that you add each instance to:

var foo = new Account { accoutNumber = "12391", Credit = 420 };
var bar = new Account { accoutNumber = "58u98:a24", Credit = 9000 };

var accounts = new Dictionary<string, Account>();
accounts.Add(foo.accoutNumber , foo);
accounts.Add(bar.accoutNumber , bar);
// etc

Now, we can obtain accounts by their identity:

if (!accounts.TryGetValue(someAccountId, out var someAccount))
    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Target bank account not found");
// here, someAccount is the one we want by someAccountId

This, however, presents a problem; you wouldn't normally expect each individual Account object to keep hold of the entire set of accounts; you could have some account management type (which maintains the dictionary) perform both lookups and perform both deltas:

if (!accounts.TryGetValue(fromId, out var from))
    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Source bank account not found");
if (!accounts.TryGetValue(toId, out var to))
    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Destination bank account not found");
if (from.Balance < amount)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient funds in source account");

Note that this is not thread-safe. I'm guessing threading isn't a concern for what you're doing.

The alternative would be to pass in the accounts lookup to your method. This could the dictionary itself, or some helper service:

object1.Transfer("7845213154/1448", 2000, accounts);

and have the Transfer method do the lookup internally, after whatever validation you need:

public void Transfer(decimal amount, string accountNumber, Dictionary<string, Account> accounts)
    if (!accounts.TryGetValue(accountNumber, out var to))
        throw new KeyNotFoundException("Destination bank account not found");
    if (amount > credit)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient funds in source account");

Again, this is not thread-safe in any way, and is not transactional etc.

Would go something like this (refine some rules here and there about validation of account numbers and such).

public class Bank
    private static global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, global::Bank> accounts = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, global::Bank>(10000);
    private string accountNumber;
    private decimal credit;
    public string AccountNumber { get { return this.accountNumber; } }
    public decimal Credit { get { return this.credit; } }
    public void addBalance(decimal ammount) { this.credit += ammount; }
    public void vyber(int ammount) { if (ammount <= credit) { this.credit -= ammount; } }

    public static global::Bank GetAccount(string number)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(number)) { return null; }
            global::Bank bank = global::Bank.accounts[number];
            if (bank == null) { bank = new global::Bank(number); }
            return bank;

    public void transfer(decimal ammount, string number)
        if (ammount <= credit && number != this.accountNumber)
            global::Bank bank = global::Bank.GetAccount(number);
            if (bank == null) { throw new global::System.ArgumentException("Not Found"); }
                this.credit -= ammount;

    private Bank(string number) { this.accountNumber = number; }

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