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JSON - string value conversion to List

Code used for extraction from JSON

import json
string = json.loads(data)

import base64

bytes_data = base64.b64decode(string['Body'])
str(bytes_data, encoding='utf-8')

I have a following format that is extracted from JSON


Any idea about converting it to actual list


things I have tried:


for loop - for this output string, but this is a convoluted way to do it.
some more conversion stuff. looking for something that is compact.

use json load method like this, suppose you have JSON array and want to convert in LIST then do following

import json
array = '{"Items": ["IPhone", "Earphone", "Powerbackup"]}'
data  = json.loads(array)
print (data['Items'])

Reverse engineering your question....

Given a JSON file with base64 data

$ cat /tmp/data.json
  "Body": "W3siaWQiOiJYWFhYX1UyXzE3MDIxNjpYWFhYX1UyXzE3MDIxNjpGQkVfMjMwMTUuQWlyIiwidmFsdWVzIjpbeyJ2IjoiNDYiLCJxIjoxOTIsInQiOiIyMDIxLTEwLTI4VDEzOjQ3OjU5Ljc4ODAwOTZaIn1dfSwKeyJpZCI6IlhYWFhfVTJfMTcwMjE2OlhYWFhfVTJfMTcwMjE2OkZCRV8yMzAxNS5BdG9taXNlIiwidmFsdWVzIjpbeyJ2IjoiMy4xIiwicSI6MTkyLCJ0IjoiMjAyMS0xMC0yOFQxMzo0Nzo1OS43ODgwMDk2WiJ9XX1dCg=="

When read and extracted

import json
import base64
with open('/tmp/data.json') as f:
    string = json.load(f)
body = string['Body']

Then decoded... a list is returned

import pprint

l = json.loads(base64.b64decode(body)
[{'id': 'XXXX_U2_170216:XXXX_U2_170216:FBE_23015.Air',
  'values': [{'v': '46', 'q': 192, 't': '2021-10-28T13:47:59.7880096Z'}]},
 {'id': 'XXXX_U2_170216:XXXX_U2_170216:FBE_23015.Atomise',
  'values': [{'v': '3.1', 'q': 192, 't': '2021-10-28T13:47:59.7880096Z'}]}]

Use the built-in json module:

import json
data = json.loads(bytes_data)

It seems like you have a json inside a json, so load it twice:

import json
import base64

string = json.loads(data)
bytes_data = base64.b64decode(string['Body'])
output = json.loads(bytes_data)

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