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How to work around a global variable that invokes some I/O operation?

Suppose I have a module data_provider.py that keeps some code responsible for connecting to external API. In order to establish a connection, an API token needs to be retrieved from the database.

API_TOKEN = get_token_from_database()

class DataProvider:
    def __init__(self):
        self.api_token = API_TOKEN

def make_query(self):
    '''make some request using self.api_token'''

Assuming the code needs to stay in such shape more or less ( API_TOKEN being a global variable), what would be a good pattern for retrieving the API_TOKEN from the database?

Obiously now it is not ideal because the module cannot be imported without the database being turned on. Also, I would like to retrieve it only once, not per DataProvider creation.

Should I for example make API_TOKEN load lazily or turn it into a function?

I'd probably go with a simple singleton pattern

class DataProvider:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__api_token = None

    def get_token(self):
       if self.__api_token is None:
            self.__api_token = .....
       return self.__api_token

You might want to make get_token(self) into a property token instead. That's a matter of taste.

If you have one single DataProvider object in your application, you could simply remove the global variable and load the token in the __init__ method:

class DataProvider:
    def __init__(self):
        self.api_token = get_token_from_database()

Another possible lazy loading would be to initialize the global token to None and then set it at first instanciation of a DataProvider object


class DataProvider:
    def __init__(self):
        global API_TOKEN

        if API_TOKEN is None:
            API_TOKEN = get_token_from_database()
        self.api_token = API_TOKEN

Error processing still omitted for brievety...

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