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How do you convert in c# an Object to another type?

I can't copy exact code so this will be an example: Let's say we have a class Car with Name and Type.

 public class Car
     public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public string Type{ get; set; } = string.Empty;

I get some values from an input, which I put in an object (this can be other type as well not only car). If the object is car i would like to acces the Name and Type.

Object obj =//get's input data
bool result;
bool result = obj is Car;
  //how do I do the convertion here?
  //I tried the following, but it's not working:
  Car car= obj.Values;

I just realised that the missing function was : Value. So correctly:

if (obj.Value is Car car)

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