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How to get json column value in postgresql with querydsl?

Our prjoect configurations are

  • Spring Boot:: (v2.6.0)
  • Java 11.0.15
  • Hibernate ORM core version 5.6.1.Final
  • com.vladmihalcea:hibernate-types-55:2.20.0

I'd like get json column value.

The json column is here:



How can I get "isOption1" property in json column?

The query is here:


By the way, running the query caused an "QuerySyntaxException".

org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: with near line 2, column 63 [select tranOrdTest.uid, tranOrdTest.tranOrdKey, tranOrdTest.tranCarOption, tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 as isOption1 from tranOrdTest.tranCarOption as tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 with key(tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0) =?1, kr.co.conc.deliveryserver.biz.tr.tranOrd.entity.TranOrdTest tranOrdTest]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: with near line 2, column 63 [select tranOrdTest.uid, tranOrdTest.tranOrdKey, tranOrdTest.tranCarOption, tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 as isOption1 from tranOrdTest.tranCarOption as tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 with key(tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0) =?1, kr.co.conc.deliveryserver.biz.tr.tranOrd.entity.TranOrdTest tranOrdTest] org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: with near line 2, column 63 [select tranOrdTest.uid, tranOrdTest.tranOrdKey, tranOrdTest.tranCarOption, tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 as isOption1 from tranOrdTest.tranCarOption as tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 with key(tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0) =?1, kr.co.conc.deliveryserver.biz.tr.tranOrd.entity.TranOrdTest tranOrdTest]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: with near line 2, column 63 [select tranOrdTest.uid, tranOrdTest.tranOrdKey, tranOrdTest.tranCarOption, tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 as isOption1 from tranOrdTest.tranCarOption as tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0 with key(tranOrdTest_tranCarOption_0) =?1, kr.co.conc.deliveryserver.biz.tr.tranOrd.entity.TranOrdTest tranOrdTest]

SO how can I resolve this issue?

Please comment if you have the solution for this issue.


I don't want to use native query; I want to use querydsl method.

Query is working except getting json value


but query is not working include the json value.

I want to get "isOption1" property.

Please let me know how can I do that.


You can use Hibernate 6.2 for this purpose, which allows you to map an @Embeddable to a JSON column like this:

@Column(name = "trancaroptions")
TranCarOptions options;

record TranCarOptions(String isOption1 ,String isOption2, String isOption3, String isOption4, String isOption5) {}

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