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Strapi Nested Components UI, data not visible, issue

Is there any way to get to see the data in the UI of strapi if the components made are nested till third level so that I can make changes there only and does not have to go to database all the time for data changes. The image shows a link components wihich has three three files inside it and the component itself is wrapped under a component which is again wrapped into another one and so on...it has the data in it but is not visible in the UI

I tried contacting the community but if someone figured out a solution by itslef do help as we are at production level now and this cms is to be used by non-technical people now who has no idea of what Database is...

If you are able to add data that is more than 2 levels deep and the only problem you are facing is that you can't see the nested JSON in the API response, I would suggest taking a look at

https://www.npmjs.com/package/strapi-plugin-populate-deep .

After installing it properly, you will just have to use you can use it as follows:

Populate a request with the default max depth.


Populate a request with the custom depth


Populate a request with the custom depth and filter


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