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Tcl logger package - bug when inheriting logproc

Consider the following code:

package require logger
proc mylog {msg} {
    puts "mylog: $msg"
set p [logger::init parent]
set c [logger::init parent::child]
${p}::logproc error mylog
${p}::error "from parent"
${c}::error "from child"

Resulting output:

mylog: from parent
mylog: -_logger::service parent::child {from child}

So, changing logproc for a parent kinda propagates to a child logger, but produces a bug. I can workaround the issue by setting the logproc for the child explicitly. Is it a genuine bug or am I overlooking something? I believed, this was the standard Tcl package for logging. Should I drop this package altogether and switch to something else?

Using tcllib's logger package in version 0.9.4 (most current), I can reproduce the inflated argument passed to your custom proc mylog . The two-arguments form of the logproc does not provide for massaging (internally) the arguments list before passing it down to your proc in case of "inheritance".

One immediate option for you: Use the old, three-arguments form of logproc :

${p}::logproc error msg {
  puts "mylog: $msg"

I believed, this was the standard Tcl package for logging.

It comes with tcllib and is maintained actively, yes, but I would not call it "standard". If it was, it would be in Tcl core. But there is no logging utility in Tcl core, so there is no standard, simply.

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