I dont't understand why the when condition evaluate the result if it is FALSE.
WHEN false THEN lower(pmo.id_province) <> lower(dp.id_province)
WHEN true THEN pmo.id_province <> dp.id_province
Here postgresqll's message:
ERROR: function lower(integer) does not exist LINE 8: WHEN false THEN lower(pmo.id_province) <> lower(dp.id_prov... ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. SQL state: 42883 Character: 199
I know that lower function accept text arguments, but I inserted the when statements for avoid this issue, but not work. Why WHEN by pass the condition if it is false?
It is not executed, but it failing before execution, when it tries to resolve which functions are being referenced. That happens at parse time, not during execution.
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