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Java: Value updates when it shouldn't

Basically I'm trying to create an implementation of simulated annealing for the multidimensional knapsack problem. I'm having a problem getting the system to decide whether or not to accept a state with a lower value. The annealing is controlled with this function:

while (this.temp > 0)
        System.out.println("Temperature: "+this.temp);
        System.out.println("Current bag: "+bagString(currentBag)+" (Value "+problem.getValue(currentBag)+")");
        next = getNext();
        System.out.println("Next bag: "+bagString(next)+" (Value "+problem.getValue(next)+")");
        if (acceptNext(next))
            this.currentBag = next;
        } else {
            System.out.println("Not accepted");
        this.temp -= this.delta;

The acceptNext() function decides whether or not to accept the next state, and is defined thus:

public boolean acceptNext(ArrayList<Boolean> next)
    if (problem.getValue(next) > problem.getValue(this.currentBag))
        return true;
    } else {
        int loss = (problem.getValue(this.currentBag) - problem.getValue(next));
        double prob = Math.exp(loss/this.temp);
        Random generator = new Random();
        double selection = generator.nextDouble();
        System.out.println("Prob: "+prob+", random number: "+selection);
        if (selection < prob) {
            return true;
        return false;

After doing some testing, I found that the currentBag field is assigned to the next value before the acceptNext() function is called. I can't find another "this.currentBag = next" in any of my code. For the sake of completeness, here is the getNext() function:

public ArrayList<Boolean> getNext()
    Random generator = new Random();
    boolean valid = false;
    ArrayList<Boolean> next = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
    int j;
    while (!valid)
        next = this.currentBag;
        j = generator.nextInt(problem.getNumObjects());
        if (next.get(j) == true)
            next.set(j, false);
        } else {
            next.set(j, true);
        if (problem.isValid(next))
            valid = true;
    return next;

I can't see what is making this value update. Does anyone see anything in the code?



When you do this, next points to the same thing as current bag, so all changes to next are reflected in currentBag. In your getNext() method:

while (!valid)
    next = this.currentBag;

Try this instead:

while (!valid)
    next = new ArrayList<Boolean>(this.currentBag);

getNext() sets next to reference the currentBag object and then performs the set operation on it. You need to copy/clone currentBag if you want to then modify the value of next.

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