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Split string into two separated by colon with regex in Java and ignore colons within tags and quotes

I have been trying to figure out a Java RegEx for some while now that would split something like the following into two pieces:
l&<6:98>9"hello:world"-45:&<78:89>"hedhed:hdeh"+56 it should be split at the colon after "-45" ignoring all colons inside tags and quotes. Neither of the sides must not necessarily contain any tags or quotes.

Help would be greatly appreciated :)

This would be a starting point for a parsing function:

/** example: findCharIndex(subject, ':'); */
public static int findCharIndex(String subject, char findChar)
    boolean insideQuotes = false;
    boolean insideTags = false;
    for (int index = 0; index < subject.length(); index++)
        char ch = subject.charAt(index);
        if (ch == '"')
            insideQuotes = !insideQuotes;
        else if (!insideQuotes)
            if (ch == '<')
                insideTags = true;
            else if (insideTags && ch == '>')
                insideTags = false;
        if (!insideQuotes && !insideTags && ch == findChar)
            return index;
    return -1;



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