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How to declare a class dynamically? C#

is there any possibility to declare a class dynamically? is there any possibility to create generic list with anonymous class in C#? any code snippets will help. thanks

Declaring a class dynamically requires CodeDom .

is there any possibility to create generic list with anonymous class in C#?

Yes, but it's, in general, not recommended for use outside of the immediate context. For example, this creates a generic list of an anonymous type:

var range = Enumerable.Range(0, 100);

var genericList = range.Select(value => new { Value = value }).ToList();

In the above code, genericList is a List<T> containing an anonymous type.

As SLaks mentioned in the comments, it is possible. But it is non-trivial. I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but you can easily add anonymous types to a generic list of objects.

List<object> list = new List<object>();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
   list.Add(new { SomeProperty = i, OtherProperty = "foobar" });

Microsoft made C# dynamic in version 4.0. You can use the new 'dynamic' keyword. The following link has some good examples of how to use the new dynamic type.


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