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C++ / Arduino: dynamic int array

I'm writing a class for the Arduino. It's been going well so far, but I'm sort of stuck now...

I have declared an int array in my class

class myClass
  public: MyClass(int size);
    int _intArray[];

When I initialize the class MyClass myClass1(5) I need the array to look like this {0,0,0,0,0}.

My question: what do I need to do so that the array contains 'size' amount of zeros?

MyClass::MyClass(int size)
    //what goes here to dynamically initialize the array
    for(int i=0; i < size; i++) _intArray[i] = 0;

Edit: Following up on various replies below, Arduino does not include the standard library so unfortunately std::vector is not an option

You should use a std::vector.

class myCLass {
    myClass(int size)
        : intarray(size) {
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) intarray[i] = 0;
    std::vector<int> intarray;

I'll try the following:

class myClass
    MyClass(int size);
    int* _intArray;

MyClass::MyClass(int size) {
  _intArray = new int[size];
  for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) _intArray[i] =0; // or use memset ...

MyClass::~MyClass() {
  delete[] _intArray;

Or, even better, use a STL vector instead ...

Your code as I'm writing this:

class myClass
  public: MyClass(int size);
    int _intArray[];

The declaration of _intArray is not valid C++: a raw array needs to have a size specified at compile time.

You can instead instead use a std::vector :

class myClass
    MyClass( int size )
        : intArray_( size )    // Vector of given size with zero-valued elements.

    std::vector<int> intArray_;

Note 1 : some compilers may allow your original code as a language extension, in order to support the "struct hack" (that's a C technique that's not necessary in C++).

Note 2 : I've changed the name of your member. Generally underscores at the start of names can be problematic because they may conflict with names from the C++ implementation.

Cheers & hth.,

You should really use vectors as others have suggested. A work-around could be as shown (in case you do not want to use memcpy or a loop).

This would be useful if you have a really huge array. Note that it would add a level of indirection to access the array.

class myClass 
      mt = T();    // value initialize.
   struct T{
      int _intArray[10]; 
   } mt;

int main(){
   myClass m;

you can use another hack basing on a string value and then populate a limited size array check this: https://github.com/Riadam/ViewPort-Array-Shifter-for-Arduino-Uno.git

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