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Conflict between files

I'm doing an MVC3 application, it uses a database. I feel like I'm having conflicts with previous projects and databases. I have tried to use the name User in table and it tells me invalid object name dbo.Users and i didn't even write anywhere UserS with an S, when I use dumb names like a table name One and a class One, there is no problem.

I have deleted previous project files but no luck, been having this problem for days. I haven't been able to start my project because the names that make sense have somehow been "taken or are creating conflicts", is there a way, to clean visual studio files???

Help!! =S I'm desperate...

How to clean the solution? To clean, right click the solution node in the solution explorer and select clean solution

This is the answer I have just found it: http://stevesmithblog.com/blog/entity-framework-invalid-object-name-dbo-albums/

It was because it was making the name of the table to a plural form, I have NO idea why!

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