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Java: How to get the parts of a path

This should be fairly simple, but I'm just stuck. Say you have the path /a/b/c/ . I'd like to convert that into an array containing:

  • /
  • /a/
  • /a/b/
  • /a/b/c/

The slash at the beginning and the end should be optional. Any one care to help?

I'm going to use it for a function that creates a directory, and I want it to create all the missing parts too and not fail if for example a or b doesn't exist.

Update: I would of course use File.mkdirs() if I could, but this isn't on the local file system. It's to simplify interfacing with an SFTP library which only has a mkdir method taking a path in the form of a string.

Why not just use File.mkdirs() ?

edit: per your requirement not to use File.mkdirs():

I still think it's easier to use File as a helper class:

package com.example.test;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class FileSplitter {
    final private File path;

    public List<String> getPathStrings()
        LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
        File p = this.path;
        while (p != null)
            p = p.getParentFile();
        return list;

    public FileSplitter(File path) { this.path = path; }

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        doit(new File("/foo/bar/baz"));
        doit(new File("/bam/biff/boom/pow"));

    private static void doit(File file) {
        for (String s : new FileSplitter(file)

On my machine (windows) this prints out:


If you have a need to use forward slashes no matter what, then I'd either implement using strings rather than Files, or just do a .replace('\\','/') on point of use.

Finally, here's an approach that might be more helpful for your end application.

It has the same output as the previous, but lends itself to an inversion of control where you can perform your custom mkdir() as a pseudo-Runnable to be passed in as a step to a path iterator:

package com.example.test;

import java.io.File;

public class PathRunner
    final private File path;
    public PathRunner(File path) { 
        this.path = path; 

    public interface Step
        public boolean step(File path);

    public boolean run(Step step) 
        return run(step, this.path);
    private boolean run(Step step, File p)
        if (p == null)
            return true;
        else if (!run(step, p.getParentFile()))
            return false;
            return step.step(p);

    /**** test methods ****/

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        doit(new File("/foo/bar/baz"));
        doit(new File("/bam/biff/boom/pow"));
    private static boolean doit(File path) {
        Step step = new Step()
            @Override public boolean step(File path) {
                return true;
                /* in a mkdir operation, here's where you would call: 

                return yourObject.mkdir(
                    path.getPath().replace('\\', '/')
        return new PathRunner(path).run(step);

If you need something primitive. Try split and append.

public class StackOverflow {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        String[] folders = "/a/b/c/".split("/");
        String[] paths = new String[folders.length];
        String path = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
            path +=   folders[i] + "/";
            paths[i] = path;

This the output of code block:

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

The File class supports this.

public static void main(String... args) {
    split(new File("/a/b/c/d/e"));
    split(new File("\\A\\B\\C\\D\\E"));

private static void split(File file) {
    File parent = file.getParentFile();
    if (parent != null) split(parent);

on windows prints


Ended up with this code:

   public String[] componizePath(String path)
      ArrayList<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();  

      int index = 0;
      while(index < path.length())
         if(path.charAt(index) == '/' || index == path.length()-1)
            parts.add(path.substring(0, index+1));

      return parts.toArray(new String[0]);

JUnit tests:

   public void componizePath_EmptyPath()
      String[] actual = getSftp().componizePath("");
      String[] expected = new String[0];
      assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

   public void componizePath_RootPath()
      String[] actual = getSftp().componizePath("/");
      String[] expected = new String[] {"/"};
      assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

   public void componizePath_SimplePath()
      String[] actual = getSftp().componizePath("a");
      String[] expected = new String[] {"a"};
      assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

   public void componizePath_SimplePathWithTrailingSlash()
      String[] actual = getSftp().componizePath("a/");
      String[] expected = new String[] {"a/"};
      assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

   public void componizePath_ComplexerPath()
      String[] actual = getSftp().componizePath("a/b/cc");
      String[] expected = new String[] {"a/", "a/b/", "a/b/cc"};
      assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

   public void componizePath_ComplexerPathWithTrailingSlash()
      String[] actual = getSftp().componizePath("a/b/c/");
      String[] expected = new String[] {"a/", "a/b/", "a/b/c/"};
      assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

   public void componizePath_ComplexerPathWithLeadingSlash()
      String[] actual = getSftp().componizePath("/a/b/c");
      String[] expected = new String[] {"/", "/a/", "/a/b/", "/a/b/c"};
      assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

No need to do this. File.mkdirs() instead

this should be a fairly simple algorithm, if your are given a string path = "/a/b/c/", you can do the following:

def f(st):
    index = 0
    array = []
    while index < len(st):
        if(st[index] == '/'):
            array += [st[:index+1]]

        index += 1
    return array

This is a python algorithm, you can easily convert that to Java. Of course you can use the File.mkdirs() that Jason and I82Much pointed out, but its also fun to see how the algorithm works.

EDIT In the case of Java, you cannot iterate over a string, but you can covert the String into an arraylist of charachters, and when you iterate, you write the condition that if the charachter is '/', then create a new string that concatenates all the characters from the first till the current one we found which should be a '/', and add it to a String list you initialized earlier. The resulting string list will be the list you need. It is good practice for you if you try it on your own and see how it goes. And of course you can iterate over the resulting list and make directories.

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