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Java: Obtain matched string from an input

I am trying to obtain the string that my matcher is able to find using my provided expression. Something like this..

    System.out.println("Matched string is: " + ?);

What would be the appropriate code for this? According to Oracle the


method returns only the provided input same as


Thanks in advance..


Example follows below:

private static String fileExtensionPattern = ".*<input type=\"hidden\" name=\".*\" value=\".*\" />.*";
private static Matcher fileXtensionMatcher;
private static String input = text  "<html><body><table width="96"><tr><td><img src=&quot;file:/test&quot;  /><input type="hidden" name="docExt" value=".doc" />Employee Trv Log 2011 Training Trip.doc</td></tr></table></body></html>"

private static void findFileExtension() {
    System.out.println("** Searching for file extension **");
    System.out.println("Looking for pattern: " + fileExtensionPattern);
    fileXtensionMatcher = fileXtensionExp.matcher(input);

    if(fileXtensionMatcher.find()) {
        //the extension expression is contained in the string
        System.out.println("Extension expression found.");

The obtained result is:

text    "<html><body><table width="96"><tr><td><img src=&quot;file:/test&quot;  /><input type="hidden" name="docExt" value=".doc" />Employee Trv Log 2011 Training Trip.doc</td></tr></table></body></html>"

Why do you think that group() returns the input?

According to the JavaDoc :

Returns the input subsequence matched by the previous match.

In other words: it returns that part of the input that was matched.

After you added the source code, I can assure you the group() returns the whole input string because it matches your regular expression. If you want just the <input> element use:

private static String fileExtensionPattern = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\".*\" value=\".*\" />";

Or use:

private static String fileExtensionPattern = ".*(<input type=\"hidden\" name=\".*\" value=\".*\" />).*";
. . .

After seeing your update it seems like you need matcher groups. Also you need to make your matches non-greedy ( .*? instead of .* ). Try this:

private static String fileExtensionPattern = 
    ".*<input type=\"hidden\" name=\".*?\" value=\"(.*?)\" />([^<]*)";

// etc.
private static void findFileExtension() {

     // etc.
     if(fileXtensionMatcher.find()) {
        // etc.

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