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python: split string after a character

I have a string with two "-"


I want to remove everything after the second "-" so that I get "467.2-123". What is the best way to do this?

before, sep, after = theString.rpartition("-")

这会将str分成最后一次出现的“ - ”,你的答案就是before的变量。

In [6]: "-".join('467.2-123-hdxdlfow'.split('-')[0:2])
Out[6]: '467.2-123'
 >>> s = '467.2-123-hdxdlfow'
 >>> s[:s.rfind('-')]

If you are after everything but the last element, I have modifed spicavigo's answer to exclude the last element.


If you have exactly 2 '-', you could do


Try this regex


and ask the result for the first capturing group ( (...) in the example).

你可以尝试这个result = re.sub("([^-]*-[^-]*)(-.*$)", r"\\1", '467.2-123-hdxdlfow')给出467.2-123

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