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Split string after certain character

I have this line of code in my python file:

included_users = os.environ["INCLUDED_USERS"]

where in one of my config files I have:

INCLUDED_USERS = fname.lname:UDWADAW,fname2.lname2:DADWAD,fname3.lname3:DWAFUD,etc.

How can I make it so that I filter the INCLUDED_USERS list to append to an array with just the strings after ":" ?

so for example I want from the INCLUDED_USERS list:


Split on commas to get a list of name:value pairs, then split each pair on a colon.

for pair in included_users.split(","):
    value = pair.split(":")[1]

Simple list comprehension, but you need to convert included_user to string.

INCLUDED_USERS = "fname.lname:UDWADAW,fname2.lname2:DADWAD,fname3.lname3:DWAFUD"
INCLUDED_USERS_ID = [ i.split(':')[1]   for i in INCLUDED_USERS.split(',')]

Output of the above code is


Hope this helps your case, if not please feel free to comment. Thansks

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