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Storing arbitrary function calls across threads

I'm trying to write a library aiming to reproduce Qt's threading semantics: signals can be connected to slots, and all slots execute in a known thread, so that slots tied to the same thread are threadsafe with regards to each other.

I have the following API:

data Signal a = Signal Unique a
data Slot a = Slot Unique ThreadId (a -> IO ())

mkSignal :: IO (Signal a)
mkSlot   :: ThreadId -> (Slot a -> a -> IO ()) -> IO (Slot a)

connect :: Signal a -> Slot a -> IO ()

-- callable from any thread
emit :: Signal a -> a -> IO ()

-- runs in Slot's thread as a result of `emit`
execute :: Slot a -> a -> IO ()
execute (Slot _ _ f) arg = f arg

The problem is getting from emit to execute . The argument needs to be stored at runtime somehow, and then an IO action performed, but I can't seem to get past the type checker.

The things I need:

  1. Type safety: signals shouldn't be connected to slots expecting a different type.
  2. Type-independence: there can be more than one slots for any given type (Perhaps this can be relaxed with newtype and/or TH).
  3. Ease of use: since this is a library, signals and slots should be easy to create.

The things I've tried:

  • Data.Dynamic : makes the whole thing really fragile, and I haven't found a way to perform a correctly-typed IO action on a Dynamic . There's dynApply , but it's pure.
  • Existential types : I need to execute the function passed to mkSlot , as opposed to an arbitrary function based on the type.
  • Data.HList : I'm not smart enough to figure it out.

What am I missing?

Firstly, are you sure Slots really want to execute in a specific thread? It's easy to write thread-safe code in Haskell, and threads are very lightweight in GHC, so you're not gaining much by tying all event-handler execution to a specific Haskell thread.

Also, mkSlot 's callback doesn't need to be given the Slot itself: you can use recursive do-notation to bind the slot in its callback without adding the concern of tying the knot to mkSlot .

Anyway, you don't need anything as complicated as those solutions. I expect when you talk about existential types, you're thinking about sending something like (a -> IO (), a) through a TChan (which you mentioned using in the comments) and applying it on the other end, but you want the TChan to accept values of this type for any a , rather than just one specific a . The key insight here is that if you have (a -> IO (), a) and don't know what a is, the only thing you can do is apply the function to the value, giving you an IO () — so we can just send those through the channel instead!

Here's an example:

import Data.Unique
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM

newtype SlotGroup = SlotGroup (IO () -> IO ())

data Signal a = Signal Unique (TVar [Slot a])
data Slot a = Slot Unique SlotGroup (a -> IO ())

-- When executed, this produces a function taking an IO action and returning
-- an IO action that writes that action to the internal TChan. The advantage
-- of this approach is that it's impossible for clients of newSlotGroup to
-- misuse the internals by reading the TChan or similar, and the interface is
-- kept abstract.
newSlotGroup :: IO SlotGroup
newSlotGroup = do
  chan <- newTChanIO
  _ <- forkIO . forever . join . atomically . readTChan $ chan
  return $ SlotGroup (atomically . writeTChan chan)

mkSignal :: IO (Signal a)
mkSignal = Signal <$> newUnique <*> newTVarIO []

mkSlot :: SlotGroup -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO (Slot a)
mkSlot group f = Slot <$> newUnique <*> pure group <*> pure f

connect :: Signal a -> Slot a -> IO ()
connect (Signal _ v) slot = atomically $ do
  slots <- readTVar v
  writeTVar v (slot:slots)

emit :: Signal a -> a -> IO ()
emit (Signal _ v) a = atomically (readTVar v) >>= mapM_ (`execute` a)

execute :: Slot a -> a -> IO ()
execute (Slot _ (SlotGroup send) f) a = send (f a)

This uses a TChan to send actions to the worker thread each slot is tied to.

Note that I'm not very familiar with Qt, so I may have missed some subtlety of the model. You can also disconnect Slots with this:

disconnect :: Signal a -> Slot a -> IO ()
disconnect (Signal _ v) (Slot u _ _) = atomically $ do
  slots <- readTVar v
  writeTVar v $ filter keep slots
  where keep (Slot u' _) = u' /= u

You might want something like Map Unique (Slot a) instead of [Slot a] if this is likely to be a bottleneck.

So, the solution here is to (a) recognise that you have something that's fundamentally based upon mutable state, and use a mutable variable to structure it; (b) realise that functions and IO actions are first-class just like everything else, so you don't have to do anything special to construct them at runtime :)

By the way, I suggest keeping the implementations of Signal and Slot abstract by not exporting their constructors from the module defining them; there are many ways to tackle this approach without changing the API, after all.

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