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Regular Expression for string replace

I have input string as below

("abc xyz" OR "def") AND (ghi OR jkl) AND ("mno poe" OR stu)

i want it to replace with

(myfun("abc xyz") OR myfun("def")) AND (myfun(ghi) OR myfun(jkl)) AND (myfun("mno poe") OR myfun(stu))

i want that string with in double quotation mark or single word get replace with myfun(<string matched>)

can any body help me , how can i set this using regular expression ? Thanks Meghana

The following C# quoted expression matches quoted strings and words that are not AND or OR :


Replace it with:


If all upper case words are operators, you can use this expression instead:


Updated to meet OPs new requirements the expression would look like:


Added (?i) to make it case insensitive and completed the list of operator tokens.




    public void Test2()
        string input = "(\"abc xyz\" OR \"def\") AND (ghi OR jkl) AND (\"mno poe\" OR stu)";
        string expected = "(myfun(\"abc xyz\") OR myfun(\"def\")) AND (myfun(ghi) OR myfun(jkl)) AND (myfun(\"mno poe\") OR myfun(stu))";
        string actual = Regex.Replace(input, @"([\""\']).*?(\1)|\b(?!AND|OR)\w+\b", ReplaceWord);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

    private static string ReplaceWord(Match m)
        return string.Format("myfun({0})", m.Value);
List<string> reservedWords = new List<string>() { "AND","OR","NEAR","NOT" };
var rep = Regex.Replace(
            @"([\""][\w ]+[\""])|(\w+)",
            m=> reservedWords.Contains(m.Value) ? m.Value : "myfun(" + m.Value + ")" 

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