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Powershell: Filtering unwanted values from get-wmiobject win32_product

I'm trying to get the list of installed applications on a machine into a Listbox and so far I have this:

function programsinstalled_current
$prog = get-wmiobject win32_product -computer summer -Property Name | select Name
foreach($program in $prog)

and it returns this in the list box:


My question is how do I get rid of the unwanted '@{name=' at the start of each program name and the '}' at the end of each name?

I've tried the below code with getting the AD groups of a machine into Listbox and it works fine, but the same syntax won't work the get-wmiobject win32_product :

function fill_current_list
$processnames_t = (Get-ADComputer -Identity $current_hostname.text -Property MemberOf).MemberOf 
foreach ($processname in $processnames_t)

If possible, I'd rather not use -replace




You could also add all product names without looping on them:

$prog = gwmi win32_product -computer summer -Property Name | select -expand Name

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