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Is it possible to suppress Python's escape sequence processing on a given string without using the raw specifier?

Conclusion: It's impossible to override or disable Python's built-in escape sequence processing, such that, you can skip using the raw prefix specifier. I dug into Python's internals to figure this out. So if anyone tries designing objects that work on complex strings (like regex) as part of some kind of framework, make sure to specify in the docstrings that string arguments to the object's __init__() MUST include the r prefix!

Original question: I am finding it a bit difficult to force Python to not "change" anything about a user-inputted string, which may contain among other things, regex or escaped hexadecimal sequences. I've already tried various combinations of raw strings, .encode('string-escape') (and its decode counterpart), but I can't find the right approach.

Given an escaped, hexadecimal representation of the Documentation IPv6 address 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 , using .encode() , this small script (called x.py ):

#!/usr/bin/env python

class foo(object):
    __slots__ = ("_bar",)
    def __init__(self, input):
        if input is not None:
            self._bar = input.encode('string-escape')
            self._bar = "qux?"

    def _get_bar(self): return self._bar
    bar = property(_get_bar)

x = foo("\x20\x01\x0d\xb8\x85\xa3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8a\x2e\x03\x70\x73\x34")
print x.bar

Will yield the following output when executed:

$ ./x.py

Note the \\x20 got converted to an ASCII space character, along with a few others. This is basically correct due to Python processing the escaped hex sequences and converting them to their printable ASCII values.

This can be solved if the initializer to foo() was treated as a raw string (and the .encode() call removed), like this:

x = foo(r"\x20\x01\x0d\xb8\x85\xa3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8a\x2e\x03\x70\x73\x34")

However, my end goal is to create a kind of framework that can be used and I want to hide these kinds of "implementation details" from the end user. If they called foo() with the above IPv6 address in escaped hexadecimal form (without the raw specifier) and immediately print it back out, they should get back exactly what they put in w/o knowing or using the raw specifier. So I need to find a way to have foo 's __init__() do whatever processing is necessary to enable that.

Edit: Per this SO question , it seems it's a defect of Python, in that it always performs some kind of escape sequence processing. There does not appear to be any kind of facility to completely turn off escape sequence processing, even temporarily. Sucks. I guess I am going to have to research subclassing str to create something like rawstr that intelligently determines what escape sequences Python processed in a string, and convert them back to their original format. This is not going to be fun...

Edit2: Another example, given the sample regex below:


If I assign this to a var or pass it to a function without using the raw specifier, the \\x71 gets converted to the letter q . Even if I add .encode('string-escape') or .replace('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\') , the escape sequences are still processed . thus resulting in this output:


How can I stop this, again, without using the raw specifier? Is there some way to "turn off" the escape sequence processing or "revert" it after the fact thus that the q turns back into \\x71 ? Is there a way to process the string and escape the backslashes before the escape sequence processing happens?

I think you have an understandable confusion about a difference between Python string literals (source code representation), Python string objects in memory, and how that objects can be printed (in what format they can be represented in the output).

If you read some bytes from a file into a bytestring you can write them back as is.

r"" exists only in source code there is no such thing at runtime ie, r"\\x" and "\\\\x" are equal, they may even be the exact same string object in memory.

To see that input is not corrupted, you could print each byte as an integer:

print " ".join(map(ord, raw_input("input something")))

Or just echo as is (there could be a difference but it is unrelated to your "string-escape" issue):

print raw_input("input something")

Identity function:

def identity(obj):
    return obj

If you do nothing to the string then your users will receive the exact same object back. You can provide examples in the docs what you consider a concise readable way to represent input string as Python literals. If you find confusing to work with binary strings such as "\\x20\\x01" then you could accept ascii hex-representation instead: "2001" (you could use binascii.hexlify/unhexlify to convert one to another).

The regex case is more complex because there are two languages:

  1. Escapes sequences are interpreted by Python according to its string literal syntax
  2. Regex engine interprets the string object as a regex pattern that also has its own escape sequences

I think you will have to go the join route.

Here's an example:

>>> m = {chr(c): '\\x{0}'.format(hex(c)[2:].zfill(2)) for c in xrange(0,256)}
>>> x = "\x20\x01\x0d\xb8\x85\xa3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8a\x2e\x03\x70\x73\x34"
>>> print ''.join(map(m.get, x))

I'm not entirely sure why you need that though. If your code needs to interact with other pieces of code, I'd suggest that you agree on a defined format, and stick to it.

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