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Efficient way to Parsing and manipulating string

I'm not sure i'm using the efficient way to manipulate large number of strings. I need to open a large file (~35kb) and parse and manipulate every line, ex:

a1="Name surname"
a2="Name surname"
a3="Name surname"
a800="Name surname"

I need to insert into a sqlite db every Name surname with the current id as index.

while ((s = d.readLine()) != null){
                        String[] name = s.split("\"");

                        String[] arrIdTemp = s.split("=");
                        String[] arrtId = arrIdTemp[0].split("a");

                        db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + Constant.DB.DB_NAME
                                + " Values ('" + arrtId[1] + "','" + name[1]
                                + "');");


In this way i create 3 string arrays and for the first 100 lines is quite fast, but at the end the whole operation is slowing down, maybe because of a large use of memory? Is there a better solution to split and manipulate every line?

Logcat output says lots of:

01-27 14:46:50.554: D/dalvikvm(2541): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1778K, 68% free 3606K/11079K, external 4662K/5822K, paused 4ms+7ms


I split the two operations and use transactions. From about 60 seconds, now i need only 2-3 seconds.

This is what i did:

//List of query
ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<String>();
while ((s = d.readLine()) != null){
                        String[] name = s.split("\"");

                        String[] arrIdTemp = s.split("=");
                        String[] arrtId = arrIdTemp[0].split("a");

                        queryList.add("INSERT INTO " + Constant.DB.DB_NAME
                                + " Values ('" + arrtId[1] + "','" + name[1]
                                + "');");



if (queryList!=null && queryList.size()>0){
                Iterator<String> iter = queryList.iterator();
                try {
                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                } finally {

if ther's a better solution or improvements on what i did, please tell me.

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