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C - How to insert an integer value into an array

I have a problem with this code:

main :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Function.h"
int main()

int B[9]; 


return 0;



void saisie_B_M(int B[9])

int i;

for(i=0; i<8; i++)
    printf("Une cellule morte ayant %d voisins sera t-elle morte ou vivante à la génération suivante ? \n", i);
    scanf("%d", &B[i]);


#ifndef Function_H_INCLUDED
#define Function_H_INCLUDED
void saisie_B_M(int B[9]);
#endif // Function_H_INCLUDED

The principle is simple, it is an array of 9 and I just return a value in each cell of the table. But there is a bug at the end and I don't know why the compiler does not show a message.

The problem is when you call your function with


It should be


In the first case, you give an array but starting at the 9th offset B[9] . So your function will start iterating at 9th then 10th, 11th, 12th... the behaviour is undefined.

扩展@Miguel Prz的答案,如果您想从第一个元素开始,则需要传递对数组中第一个元素的引用: saisie_B_M(&B[0])或只使用saisie_B_M(B)

Arrays in C are zero-indexed, so B[9] has elements in the 0..8 range. This is not valid:


if you want to pass the pointer to the last element yo need to use:


but it seems you need the complete array, so pass &B[0] (or simply B) to saisie_B_M function. Also your "for" loop should be changed to this:

for(i=0; i<9; i++) {
/* ... */

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