cost 116 ms
What Does Y2K Compliant Mean?

I was reading basics of Perl programming language and I came across the following statement Did not quite get what it meant even after some Googlin ...

2013-08-13 04:33:34   2   11944    perl / y2k  
r - Overcoming Y2K with as.Date

I have a list of dates that I know are in the past but are in the form 28/MAY/13. The closest way to make a date class out of them is the basic whi ...

why did the y2k bug exist?

The explanation I got for this was that it was common practice for programmers to simply represent the year with 2 digits. But why would anyone do tha ...

2010-11-17 04:14:27   3   6512    y2k  
What is causing the 2010 bugs?

There are a lot of reports of systems failing to understand the year 2010 but I've no idea why. Current systems I look after are working fine as far a ...

2010-01-05 16:03:48   10   1328    y2k  

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