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Java get integer value from string

I'd like to get the integer value from my string. Below is my example.

String strScore = "Your score is 10. Probability in the next 2 years is 40%";

But I just want to get the score which is 10. How can I do this?


String firstNumber = strScore.replaceFirst(".*?(\\d+).*", "$1");

bfLog.createEntry( firstNumber );

I save this to sqlite database.

You can use one of the String regex replace methods to capture the first digits in a captured group :

String firstNumber = strScore.replaceFirst(".*?(\\d+).*", "$1");
  • .*? consumes initial non-digits(non-greedy)
  • (\\\\d+) Get the one or more available digits in a group!
  • .* Everything else ( greedy ).

This depends on whether anything else can change in your string.

If it's always the same apart from the number, you can use

int score = Integer.parseInt(strScore.substring(14,16))

because the digits "10" are at index 14 and 15 of the string. If other stuff changes in your string, you should use a regular expression :


You can try this:

String strScore = "Your score is 10. Probability in the next 2 years is 40%";
String intIndex = strScore.valueOf(10);
String intIndex = 10 // Result

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