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How do I get all the rows meeting some criteria out of a big matrix?

I have a big matrix (on the order of 1GB) where each row represents the (x,y) coordinate of a point I sampled a surface at, and its z-height.

How do I get all the points less than some euclidean distance away from the (x,y) coordinate?

Currently I am doing this awful thing:

% mtx_pointList is a large matrix with each row containing a sample: [x y z]. 
% We want to get all the samples whose (x,y) point is less than dDistance 
%   away from the vector: v_center = [x y].

mtx_regionSamples = zeros(0,3); for k=1:length(mtx_pointList(:,1)) if( norm( mtx_pointList(k,[1 2])-v_center ) < dDistance^2 ) mtx_regionSamples = [ mtx_regionSamples mtx_pointList(k,:) ] end end

...but in my application this loop would have to be run around 250k times.

How do I make it do the same thing faster?

Use pdist2 (its default option is Euclidean distance):

ind = pdist2(mtx_pointList(:,[1 2]), v_center) < dDistance; %// logical index
result = mtx_pointList(ind,:);

If the matrix is too large, divide it into chunks of as many rows as your memory allows, and loop over the chunks.


If you don't have pdist2 (statistics toolbox), here's one way to compute distances with bsxfun :

da = bsxfun(@minus,mtx_pointList(:,[1 2]),permute(v_center,[3 2 1]));
distances = sqrt(sum(da.^2,2));

Then find point that meet your criteria:

distThresh = 0.5; % for example
indsClose = distances < distThresh
result = mtx_pointList(indsClose,:);


You can also use an alternate form of Euclidean (2-norm) distance,

||A-B|| = sqrt ( ||A||^2 + ||B||^2 - 2*A.B )

In MATLAB code:

a = mtx_pointList(:,[1 2]); b = v_center;
aa = dot(a,a,2); bb = dot(b,b,2); ab=a*b.'; %' or sum(a.*a,2)
distances = sqrt(aa + bb - 2*ab); % bsxfun needed if b is more than one point

As Luis Mendo points out, the sqrt is not necessary if you threshold against distThresh^2 .

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