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C#: Min to max number of digits after a decimal

I'm trying to do a check for a user input for the rate entered, I want to accept the value entered if it has min 2 digits to a max of 5 digits after the decimal.

Valid Example:


Not Valid:



I've been trying to get it with Regex but right now it only allows only 5 digits after the decimal nothing less nothing more. Here's the code:

//Check if the string is a double 
bool IsDouble(string s)
    var regex = new Regex(@"^\d+\.\d{5}?$");
    var check = regex.IsMatch(s);
    return check;  

A little help would be greatly appreciated.



Use the pattern


to match between 2 and 5 characters

Try this Regex

you can specify your own range here d{2,5}





A non-regex solution
It also returns the decimal

public int? DecimalAfter (string strDec, out decimal? decNull)
    int? decAfter = null;
    strDec = strDec.Trim();
    decimal dec;
    if (decimal.TryParse(strDec, out dec))
        decNull = dec;
        int decPos = strDec.IndexOf('.');
        if (decPos == -1)
            decAfter = 0;
            decAfter = strDec.Length - decPos - 1;
    else decNull = null;

    return decAfter;

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