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String comma delimited to JsonArray

I am using delphi xe7, win8.1

My question is simple, but I am a newbie in Json.

I have a comma delimited string to convert to JSONArray.

var s:string;
s:='a,b,c,d,e,f';//--> can have many items comma delimited.
//???Convert string comma delimited to JSONArray

I´d like to know how to code the function ConvertStringDelimitedToJsonArray with a string as input parameter and output a JSONArray.

Is there a delphi function to do it directly?

A JSON array is just a list of element divided by comma and enclosed by square brackets, so I think that given your input data, you could simply do something like this:

s := 'a,b,c,d,e,f';
s := Format("[%s]", [s]);
ja := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s),0) as TJSONArray;

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