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Store true/false in Integer using the bits


What I'm trying to achieve is to store true/false represented as a bit in a Integer/Long. The problem is that I'm unable to solve if a certain bit is 1 or 0.


public class Test
    private static long unlocked = 0;

    public static void main(String[] args)

    public static void setUnlocked(int id)
        unlocked += Math.pow(2, id);

    public static boolean isUnlocked(int id)
        // ???
        return false;


As in the test case above, it will result in the following bits sequence: 1110 = 14.


Second Question:

    public static void setUnlocked(int id)
        unlocked |= 1 << id;


    public static void setUnlocked(int id, boolean set)


That will give the option to set the bit to 0 or 1 at the given location.

But how can I achieve this?

Use bitwise operators :

public static void setUnlocked(int id)
    unlocked |= 1L<<id; // set the id'th bit

public static boolean isUnlocked(int id)
    return (unlocked & (1L<<id)) != 0; // get the id'th bit

1<<id is the fastest way to compute 2^id.

bitwise OR (|) lets you set a bit in the int.

bitwise AND (&) lets you get the value of a bit (by clearing all the other bits and checking if the result is not 0).


public static void setUnlocked(int id, boolean set)
    if (set) {
        unlocked |= 1L<<id; // set the id'th bit
    } else {
        unlocked &= 0xffffffffffffffffL ^ (1L<<id); // clear the id'th bit

A more flexible approach is to use a plain simple Set<Integer> :

static Set<Integer> unlocked = new HashSet<>();

public static void setUnlocked(int id) {

public static boolean isUnlocked(int id) {
    return unlocked.contains(id);

This approach does not rely on id's to be in any particular range. For thread safety, synchronize on the Set if needed.

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