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PyQt strange behavior on clicked items

I have a table with multiple rows and on column 0 I put it a check-box, defined like this:

for char in accounts:
    for columnNumber in range(numberColumns):
        pWidget = QWidget()
        pCheckbox = QCheckBox()
        pLayout = QVBoxLayout(pWidget)
        pLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0 ,0, 0)
        self.mainAccountTable.setCellWidget(currentRowCount, 0, pWidget)
        self.mainAccountTable.setItem(currentRowCount, 1, QTableWidgetItem(char[1]))

And I have a method connected for handling the clicks:

def handleItemClicked(self):
        #self.accountsSelected = []
        for account in range(self.mainAccountTable.rowCount()):
            if self.mainAccountTable.cellWidget(account, 0).findChild(type(QCheckBox())).isChecked():
                self.accountsSelected.add(self.mainAccountTable.item(account, 1).text())
                print ("yes:",self.accountsSelected)
                self.accountsSelected.remove(self.mainAccountTable.item(account, 1).text())
                print ("no:",self.accountsSelected)
    except Exception as e:
        print ("Error",e)

What bothers me is that is working perfect, but it's refreshing the results only if I check or uncheck the the first check-box (row 0, column 0). I tried also with connecting the signal with toggled ... same result. So, how can I make it to update the results when I check or uncheck others rows except the first one? Thanks in advance.

Later Edit: I update it my code and the output is like this: If I check other checkboxes except the first one this is the output: 'Account1' and If I have selected, let's say 5 accounts and I have the first checkbox also selected this is the output:

    yes: {'Account2', 'Account1'}
    yes: {'Account2', 'Account1'}
    yes: {'Account2', 'Account1', 'Account3'}
    yes: {'Account2', 'Account1', 'Account3', 'Account4'}
    yes: {'Account2', 'Account1', 'Account3', 'Account4', 'Account5'}
    Error: 'Account 6' #is not selected which is true, BUT WHY is checking also for that?!?!

there are n = rowCount() pCheckBoxes. but only the clicked() -signal of 1 pCheckBox is connected to self.handleItemClicked() . Take the connect() in the first part of code, to connect every pCheckBox. As there are n pCheckboxes, pWidgets, pLayouts delete the 'self':

            pWidget = QWidget()
            pCheckbox = QCheckBox()
            pLayout = QVBoxLayout(pWidget)
            pLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0 ,0, 0)
            self.mainAccountTable.setCellWidget(currentRowCount, 0, pWidget)

The bug was in "else" branch and the work around is to have 2 for loops for each check:

def handleItemClicked(self, account):
        accountsSelected = set()

        for account in range(self.mainAccountTable.rowCount()):
            if self.mainAccountTable.cellWidget(account, 0).findChild(type(QCheckBox())).isChecked():
                accountsSelected.add(self.mainAccountTable.item(account, 1).text())                    
                print ("selected:",accountsSelected)
        for account in range(self.mainAccountTable.rowCount()):
            if not self.mainAccountTable.cellWidget(account, 0).findChild(type(QCheckBox())).isChecked():
                accountsSelected.remove(self.mainAccountTable.item(account, 1).text())
                print ("not selected:",accountsSelected)  

        print ("main:", accountsSelected)
        return accountsSelected
    except Exception as e:
        print ("error:",e)

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