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Setting SQL query parameter to Int32 in C#

I'm having problems with some code I'm trying to write. I'm doing something for suppliers orders, so I have a table which is named "encomendas_fornecedores" with a autoincrement field before the key that is the code of sale which consists in a EF before the number(which is a text field).

Here is the code:


        OleDbCommand comando1 = new OleDbCommand();
        OleDbCommand comando2 = new OleDbCommand();
        OleDbCommand comando3 = new OleDbCommand();
        comando1.Connection = connection;
        comando2.Connection = connection;
        comando3.Connection = connection;
        comando1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO encomendas_fornecedores (cod_encomenda_forn, cod_metodo, cod_forn, total_pagar_forn) VALUES('FO', '" + txtcodmetodo.Text + "', '" + txtcodforn.Text + "', '" + lbltotalapagar.Text + "'); ";// insert into table the values with a FO to cod
        comando2.CommandText = "Select MAX(num_encomenda) From encomendas_fornecedores;";// selecting maximum num encomenda so I can isolate it and add to a text before(btw I do this in php/sql no problems
       int  numero = Convert.ToInt32(comando2.ExecuteScalar());//max num_encomenda
        string codencomendaforn= "EF"+Convert.ToString(numero);// sales code completed
        comando3.CommandText = "UPDATE encomendas_fornecedores SET cod_encomenda_forn = '"+codencomendaforn+"' WHERE num_encomenda = '"+ numero +"';";//query that is giving me the problems, it says something like "type of data incorrect in data expression"
        comando3.ExecuteScalar();//giving me error this line


But now here's the catch the cod_encomenda_forn is text and the num_encomenda auto increment as it is in the sql, and I tried to show the query in a textbox to see if its anything is wrong but nothing seems wrong.

"UPDATE encomendas_fornecedores SET cod_encomenda_forn = '"+codencomendaforn+"' WHERE num_encomenda = **'**"+ **numero** +"**'**;";//query that is giving me the problems,it says something like "type of data incorrect in data expression"

You are passing a string numero to a where statement that seems like it is expecting a number. As long as it is numeric it should work, but definitely not gauranteed to work. Second you are passing another codencomendaforn string to encomenda what is encomenda 's data type?

It appears that you are not handling potential datatype differences between your c# code and your SQL query. In addition single quoting '' around a value in a SQL statement tells the database engines that it is a string even if that is '1234'. While SQL will automatically convert some values it doesn't always. In addition c# .net library also looks for some conversion etc. before sending the SQL statement. To fix appropriately use parameters that are data typed to the database type in the SQL table. To fix it simply in the statement figure out your data types and fix the '' single quotes appropriately.

PS the people trying to help you in the comments were being nice and telling you the professional way of keeping your job in the future when you graduate after fixing this issue.

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