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Format text file using Python or Excel

I have a text file that looks like:

ROOT: are   DOBJ: money DOBJ: deal  
DOBJ: products  ROOT: count DOBJ: me    DOBJ: deal  
POBJ: amp   ROOT: dads. POBJ: diapers   
ROOT: get   DOBJ: ecard DOBJ: it    
ROOT: hutang    

Each word is seperated by a tab. The file has about 50,000 lines like this. I want to format the file in such a way that each line starts with a ROOT followed by DOBJ, and then by POBJ. Every line has exactly one ROOT and the count of DOBJ/POBJ is unknown and can vary from 0-5. I tried to import the file into an excel sheet and trying doing a HLOOKUP but I am not getting what I want. I want to write the following logic in VBA (I have never used VBA before):

Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim rw As Range
Dim RowCount As Integer

Set sh = ActiveSheet
For Each rw In sh.Rows
    if cellnumber(ROOT) != A
        swap content(A), content of cell containing ROOT

Can someone help me with this code or tell me if there is a better way to do it either using Python or Excel?

In VBA, this should help you to get started.

Sub test()
Dim InputString As String
Dim RowToPerform As Long
Dim TextPath As Variant
Dim ArrayString() As String
Dim CounterArray As Long

TextPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Txt Files,*.txt", Title:="Select Txt")
Open TextPath For Input As #1
    Do Until EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, InputString
        RowToPerform = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        'ArrayString = Split(InputString, "|")
        ArrayString = Split(InputString, "ROOT:")
        Cells(RowToPerform, 1).Value = "ROOT: "
        Cells(RowToPerform - 1, 1).Value = Cells(RowToPerform - 1, 1).Value & ArrayString(0)
        For CounterArray = LBound(ArrayString) To UBound(ArrayString)
        If CounterArray > 0 Then Cells(RowToPerform, 1).Value = Cells(RowToPerform, 1).Value & ArrayString(CounterArray)
        Next CounterArray
    Close #1
End Sub

These links may be useful as well. 在此处输入图片说明

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