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How to Inspect an Int64 of a Manage application using Windbg

When using windbg to debug a managed process how can I see the value of a Int64? For example I have the following constructor which has as its first parameter a Int64.

ItemQuote quote = new ItemQuote(1234567890987654L, "5mm Super Widgets", 1000, 12999, true, false);

Using the windbg debugger I set a break point at the afore mentioned constructor to inspect its arguments. The disassembly yields the following.

Child SP       IP Call Site
0042f05c 0043025a EncodingInformation.ItemQuote..ctor(Int64, System.String, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
        this (0x0042f060) = 0x01fe3908
        itemNumber (0x0042f07c) = 0x3c97ea86
        itemDescription (0x0042f05c) = 0x01fe2378
        quantity (0x0042f078) = 0x000003e8
        unitPrice (0x0042f074) = 0x000032c7
        discounted (0x0042f070) = 0x00000001
        inStock (0x0042f06c) = 0x00000000

using the .formats command on the itemNumber parameter does not yield what I would expect to see.

0:000> .formats 0x3c97ea86
Evaluate expression:
  Hex:     3c97ea86
  Decimal: 1016588934
  Octal:   07445765206
  Binary:  00111100 10010111 11101010 10000110
  Chars:   <...
  Time:    Tue Mar 19 21:48:54 2002
  Float:   low 0.0185444 high 0
  Double:  5.02262e-315

What should I do to see the actual passed in value of = 1234567890987654L ?

As I understand, you're debugging x86 app and because of it you see lower part of long in !clrstack -a command. As @blabb mentioned , you can use dq to get the value of address: 在此输入图像描述

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