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Format string in python list

I have a list which should contain string with a particular format or character ie {{str(x), str(y)},{str(x), str(y)}} . I tried to do string concat like: "{{"+str(x), str(y)+"},{"+str(x), str(y)+"}}" and append to list, but it gets surrounded by brackets: [ ({{str(x), str(y)}),({str(x), str(y)}}) ] How can I get rid of the brackets or betterstill, is there a better approach to having a list without brackets like this: [{{string, string},{string, string}}]

The parentheses are because you're creating a tuple of three items:

  • "{{"+str(x)
  • str(y)+"},{"+str(x)
  • str(y)+"}}"

Try replacing those bare commas between str(x) and str(y) with +","+ :


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