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get list from xml using linq based on true if there is no true then select false condition tag element in c#

here i am trying to get custName name if pirmaryCustCheck is true if not then i have to select false tag element , how can i achieve this xml :

      <custName> Rahul</custName>

code :

   string pathd = @"C:\Users\admin\documents\newCust.xml";

            XDocument docss = XDocument.Load(pathd);

            var records = docss.Descendants("data").Select(x => new

                office = (string)x.Element("office"),
                officeId = (string)x.Element("officeId"),
                customer = x.Elements("customer").Select(y => new
                    custName = (string)y.Element("custName"),
                    pirmaryCustCheck = (bool)y.Element("pirmaryCustCheck"),
                    id = (string)y.Element("id")
                }).Where(y => y.pirmaryCustCheck == true).Select(c => new
                    custName = c.custName,
                    Id = c.id

You may want to try something like below.

Data Set

  <custName> Rahul</custName>
  <custName> Rahul Jain</custName>

Code -

string pathd = @"C:\Users\admin\documents\newCust.xml";

        XDocument docss = XDocument.Load(pathd);

        var customerTrue = docss.Descendants("data").Elements("customer").Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
        var customerFalse = docss.Descendants("data").Elements("customer").Select(x => x).LastOrDefault();

        var records = docss.Descendants("data").Select(x => new

            office = (string)x.Element("office"),
            officeId = (string)x.Element("officeId"),
            customer = new
                custName = (bool)x.Elements("customer").First().Element("pirmaryCustCheck") ? (string)x.Elements("customer").First().Element("custName") : (string)x.Elements("customer").Last().Element("custName"),
                pirmaryCustCheck = (bool)x.Elements("customer").First().Element("pirmaryCustCheck"),
                id = (bool)x.Elements("customer").First().Element("pirmaryCustCheck") ? (string)x.Elements("customer").First().Element("id") : (string)x.Elements("customer").Last().Element("id")

Try below code, its tested.

var customers = (from e in docss.Descendants("data").Elements("customer")
                         where (bool)e.Element("pirmaryCustCheck") == true
                         select new 
                             Name = (string)e.Element("custName"),
                             Id = (string)e.Element("id"),

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