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Function returning 1 instead of the reverse of the Number

Hey I have this function in python3 , can anyone explain why it is giving 1 as output instead of the number as reverse

def reverse(a , rev):
    if a > 0:
        d =  a % 10
        rev = (rev * 10) + d
        reverse(a/10 , rev)

    return rev

b = input("Enter the Number")
x = reverse(b , 0)

You need to:

  • use integer division ( // )
  • capture the value returned from the recursive call, and return it
  • convert the string input to number ( int() )

Corrected script:

def reverse(a, rev):
    if a > 0:
        d =  a % 10
        rev = (rev * 10) + d
        return reverse(a//10, rev)

    return rev

b = input("Enter the Number")
x = reverse(int(b), 0)

I'm not sure why you're doing it like that. Seems like the following is easier

def rev(a):
   return int(str(a)[::-1])

Anyway, I believe you should use "//" instead of "/" for dividing without the rest in python 3?

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