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Python - Extract from .plist

I got this piece of code, a .plist. Is there a way for me to extract certain sections of it? I only want the strings, and if possible, just some certain strings.

Like if I could extract -(bool) isAgent Knowing <key>displayName</key> is above it, and <key>prefix</key> under it.

                <string>-(bool) isAgent</string>

Out of this block ^

Is this possible? How would I do it? If not possible with python, how else?

            <string>*Product Name*</string>
                        <string>-(bool) isAgent</string>
                    <string>Unit for -(bool) isAgent</string>
                        <string>-(void) setAuto_renew:(bool)</string>
                    <string>Unit for -(void) setAuto_renew:(bool)</string>
import lxml.etree as etree
import sys

doc = etree.parse(open(sys.argv[1]))
for app_dict in doc.xpath('/plist/dict/array/dict'):
    appId = app_dict.xpath('./key[.="appIdentifier"]/following-sibling::string[1]/text()')[0]
    for method_dict in app_dict.xpath('.//dict[key="methodObjc"]/dict'):
        classId = method_dict.xpath('./key[.="className"]/following-sibling::string[1]/text()')[0]
        methodId = method_dict.xpath('./key[.="displayName"]/following-sibling::string[1]/text()')[0] 
        print 'App: %s; Class: %s; Method: %s' % (appId, classId, methodId)

Answer by @Charles Duffy

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