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Python3.6 version does not print correct data

I have installed Centos7 and added python3.6 from epel-repository.subversion python-3.6.3 I am trying to check python 3.6 version via small script:

 #!/usr/bin/env python36
  import sys


The moment I run it in a IDE I am getting this :

2.7.5 (default, Apr 11 2018, 07:36:10) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)]

Why isn't it showing the python3 version?




First line. Remove env

A little advice: learn pipenv

You should indicate what ide you are using

Anyway, since you don't need to compile python, it is really easy to start your script from command line:

cd /script/folder
python3 myscript.py

if there is multiple python 3 installed, or a specific one, you can try this command:

python36 myscript.py

Sometimes you can use a virtualenv (actually it is strongly recommended) so you first need to create one:

python36 -m venv "name/and/path"

then you can call this virtual environment by tiping:

source /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate

This previous command line can be used in a shell script if you need to automate things

your console should now indicate the name of your virtual environment:

(myvirtualenv) [user@host]$ 

from here you can install packages only on this environment

Explained in pictures: 图片1



You should configure Geany to use python3.

From the Geany menu bar > Build > Set build command > Execute command

use the following command:

python3 "%f"

instead of:

python "%f"

On Atom , install script :

apm install script

Your script should print the python 3.x version.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys


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