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How do I convert a ResourceId variable into a string in PowerShell?

I'm having trouble into converting a ResourceID into a String in PowerShell.

I have a list that have every virtual interface information from an Azure Subscription.

$virtualInterfaceArray = @(Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface)

Then I put the value of an Index of that list into a variable, so I cant get the exact information I want. For example:

$hostVirtualInterfaceIndex = $virtualInterfaceArray[5]
$hostVirtualInterfaceVM = hostVirtualInterfaceIndex.VirtualMachine

If I print $hostVirtualInterfaceVM it returns:

PS C:\Users\marcelo.salvatori> $hostVirtualInterfaceVM

I know that I can't use the .Split() method, because it is not a String. So I try to contert it using the .ToString() method:

PS C:\Users\marcelo.salvatori> $hostVirtualInterfaceVMString = hostVirtualInterfaceVM.ToString()

But then, when I print the variable, it returns:

PS C:\Users\marcelo.salvatori> $hostVirtualInterfaceVMString

I need this conversation so I can use the .Split() method.

If you want to get the Virtual Machine's name associated with that NIC. Please have a try to use the following code.

Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface |  Select-Object -Property Name, @{Name="VMName";Expression = {$_.VirtualMachine.Id.tostring().substring($_.VirtualMachine.Id.tostring().lastindexof('/')+1)}}

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