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How do I extract useful information from the payload of a GADT / existential type?

I'm trying to use Menhir 's incremental parsing API and introspection API s in a generated parser. I want to, say, determine the semantic value associated with a particular LR(1) stack entry; ie a token that's been previously consumed by the parser.

Given an abstract parsing checkpoint, encapsulated in Menhir's type 'a env , I can extract a “stack element” from the LR automaton; it looks like this:

 type element = | Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * position * position -> element 

The type element describes one entry in the stack of the LR(1) automaton. In a stack element of the form Element (s, v, startp, endp) , s is a (non-initial) state and v is a semantic value. The value v is associated with the incoming symbol A of the state s . In other words, the value v was pushed onto the stack just before the state s was entered. Thus, for some type 'a , the state s has type 'a lr1state and the value v has type 'a ...

In order to do anything useful with the value v , one must gain information about the type 'a , by inspection of the state s . So far, the type 'a lr1state is abstract, so there is no way of inspecting s . The inspection API (§9.3) offers further tools for this purpose.

Okay, cool! So I go and dive into the inspection API:

The type 'a terminal is a generalized algebraic data type (GADT). A value of type 'a terminal represents a terminal symbol (without a semantic value). The index 'a is the type of the semantic values associated with this symbol ...

 type _ terminal = | T_A : unit terminal | T_B : int terminal 

The type 'a nonterminal is also a GADT. A value of type 'a nonterminal represents a nonterminal symbol (without a semantic value). The index 'a is the type of the semantic values associated with this symbol ...

 type _ nonterminal = | N_main : thing nonterminal 

Piecing these together, I get something like the following (where "command" is one of my grammar's nonterminals, and thus N_command is a string nonterminal ):

let current_command (env : 'a env) =
   let rec f i =
      match Interpreter.get i env with
      | None -> None
      | Some Interpreter.Element (lr1state, v, _startp, _endp) ->
      match Interpreter.incoming_symbol lr1state with
      | Interpreter.N Interpreter.N_command -> Some v
      | _ -> f (i + 1)
   f 0

Unfortunately, this is puking up very confusing type-errors for me:

File "src/incremental.ml", line 110, characters 52-53:
Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type
       This instance of string is ambiguous:
       it would escape the scope of its equation

This is a bit above my level! I'm pretty sure I understand why I can't do what I tried to do above; but I don't understand what my alternatives are. In fact, the Menhir manual specifically mentions this complexity:

This function can be used to gain access to the semantic value v in a stack element Element (s, v, _, _) . Indeed, by case analysis on the symbol incoming_symbol s , one gains information about the type 'a , hence one obtains the ability to do something useful with the value v .

Okay, but that's what I thought I did , above: case-analysis by match 'ing on incoming_symbol s , pulling out the case where v is of a single, specific type: string .

tl;dr: how do I extract the string payload from this GADT, and do something useful with it?

If your error sounds like

This instance of string is ambiguous: it would escape the scope of its equation

it means that the type checker is not really sure if outside of the pattern matching branch the type of v should be a string, or another type that is equal to string but only inside the branch. You just need to add a type annotation when leaving the branch to remove this ambiguity:

 | Interpreter.(N N_command) -> Some (v:string)

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