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What is the best way to extract a value without having a Java Object class

I have a string like below

    "id": "abc",
    "title": "123.png",
    "description": "fruits",
    "information": [
            "type": "apple",
            "url": "https://apple.com"
            "type": "orange",
            "url": "https://orange.com"
    "versions": 0

I want to get the value of url where type: orange . The list in information may not always be in same order as appearing in the data above. I know I could do it easily in python with json.loads and json.dump .

I am trying to do it java using JsonNode and objectMapper.readTree.at("/information") but I am unable to get past this point in a clever neat way to get the list and fetch the url where type = orange.

This is pretty straightforward

Use a JSON library and parse the response using the library. Then get only the values and attributes that you need...

Example relevant to your case:

// Get your Json and transform it into a JSONObject

JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(yourJsonString); // Here is your JSON...

// Get your "information" array

JSONArray infoArray = mainObject.getJSONArray("information"); // Here you have the array

// Now you can go through each item of the array till you find the one you need

for(int i = 0 ; i < infoArray.length(); i++)
    JSONObject item = participantsArray.getJSONObject(i);

    final String type = item.getString("type");
    final String url = item.getString("url");


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