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Declare a SystemVerilog variable with type depending on a parameter

I want to write reusable SystemVerilog code so I need to have in module one variable with type, depending on a parameter (not different bus WIDTH, but different structs). Maybe it is possible to have one parametrized structure or to have different structures but in this case how to declare variable selecting needed struct as a type. Different structs could be declared in generte-if blocks, but they will be local to it blocks, so outside can't to get them. Maybe type conversion might help somehow.

PS Interfaces are not allowed to use as well as defines (macros are allowed).

Code example, I want to achieve:

typedef struct packed
  logic a;
  logic b;
} str_s;

typedef struct packed
  logic a;
  logic b;
  logic c;
} str_s_with_c;

// A is a parameter
if (A == "ON")
   str_s_with_c array;

if (A == "OFF")
   str_s array;

assign array.a = 1'b1;

logic t;

assign t = array.a;


if (A == "ON")
   typedef struct packed
     logic a;
     logic b;
   } str_s;

if (A == "OFF")
   typedef struct packed
     logic a;
     logic b;
     logic c;
   } str_s;

str_s array;

array.a = 1.b1;

A usual way of doing it is to pass struct as a parameter type to the module instance.

module inst#(type struct_t=int)();
    struct_t v;  

typedef struct packed
  logic a;
  logic b;
} str_s;

typedef struct packed
  logic a;
  logic b;
  logic c;
} str_s_with_c;

module top;
  inst #(.struct_t(str_s)) inst1();
  inst #(.struct_t(str_s_with_c)) inst2();

Answering the comment below for a single instance. In this case you can use a generate block, instantiating the module conditionally:

module top #(ON=1)
    typedef struct packed
        logic a;
        logic b;
    } str_s;
    typedef struct packed
        logic a;
        logic b;
        logic c;
    } str_s_with_c;

  if (ON == 1) begin: ON1
    inst #(.struct_t(str_s)) inst1();
  else begin: ON0
    inst #(.struct_t(str_s_with_c)) inst2();

One caveat. You'd better declare the structs outside of the generate statements. LRM does not prevent you from declaring them inside, but this feature is not implemented in at least some of the compilers.

You can declare variables local to generate blocks and access them with a block name.

typedef struct packed
  logic a;
  logic b;
} str_s;

typedef struct packed
  logic a;
  logic b;
  logic c;
} str_s_with_c;

// A is a parameter
if (A == "ON") begin : bname
   str_s_with_c array;
else if (A == "OFF") begin :  bname
   str_s array;

assign bname.array.a = 1'b1;

logic t;

assign t = bname.array.a;

Note that if you want to access array.c , that will have to be guarded with a generate-if as well.

if (A == "ON") begin 
  always @(posedge clk)
    x = bname.array.c;
else if (A == "OFF") begin 
  always @(posedge clk)
     x = something_else;

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