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Regex to find all Strings enclosed between two Strings in Dart

I'd like to find all occurrences of strings in a long string which are placed between a set of two specific strings.

For eg.

String s = "abcdText('hello')abcd efghText('world')";

The regex pattern of strings would be Text( and ' and the results should be the List of strings enclosed between the pattern. Hence the expected output should be:

[hello, world]

After some searches, I found this . This explains my use case but it is in PHP and only meant to find digits.

You can try this way:

  String myString = "abcdText('hello')abcd efghText('world')";
  RegExp exp = RegExp(r"\('(.*?)'\)");
  List<String> _list =[];
  for (var m in exp.allMatches(myString)) {


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