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Group everything by Column A and have Column B be a comma-delimited list of values

I've got a Google Sheets worksheet with data like this:

Product Attribute
Product A Cyan
Product B Cyan
Product C Cyan
Product A Magenta
Product C Magenta
Product B Yellow
Product C Yellow
Product A Black
Product B Black

What I'd like to do group everything by Column A and have Column B be a comma-delimited list of values that share Column A in common, like so:

Product Attribute
Product A Cyan,Magenta,Black
Product B Cyan,Yellow,Black
Product C Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black

Query? Arrayformula? Both?


 QUERY(QUERY({ROW(A1:A), A1:A&"×", B1:B&","}, 
 "select max(Col3) where not Col2 starts with '×' 
  group by Col1 pivot Col2"),,9^9)), "×")), ",$", ))



 LAMBDA(aa, JOIN(", ", FILTER(B:B, A:A=aa))))}


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