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REGEX Help for Coldfusion - In a URL, removing the ? And everything after

I'm looking for some REGEX help Given the following URL: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-10315534-64.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20

What is the REGEX to obtain the following:


Thus removing the ? and everything after it

Thanks, B

You can certainly use a regex for this, but it would be more efficient to use

listfirst(theurl, '?')

which finds the first part of a list delimited by question marks.

In ColdFusion you could use regex replace:

myURL = REReplace(myURL,"\?.*$","")

That would leave you with everything before the question mark.

This regular expression will do the trick:


Just take the second capture group from the match (the first capture group is always the original string itself if it matched).

@Ben Doom: If I'm not mistaken, the #url# variable is a complex object and cannot be treated as a string or list. The way I go about getting everything before the query string is:

<cfset myURL = "http://" & #cgi.HTTP_HOST# & #cgi.SCRIPT_NAME# />

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