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Printing a formatted numerical range strings from a list of numbers in python

I wrote this class to compress and expand number lists to sequence strings, including step values when the the step value is greater than 1. The code still feels clunky. Are there libraries that can do something like this? Possibly simpler code?

import re

class Foo( object ):

    def __init__( self, num_list ):
        self.num_list = sorted( list( set( [ int(n) for n in num_list ] ) ) )
    # end def __init__

    def gen_seq_data( self ):
        self.seq_data       = list()
        index_offset        = None
        backward_step_value = None
        forward_step_value  = None
        sub_list            = list()
        sub_list_step_value = None
        for index, num in enumerate( self.num_list ):

            if index - 1 < 0:
                backward_step_value = None
            # end if
                backward_step_value = num - self.num_list[ index - 1 ]
            # end else

                forward_step_value = self.num_list[ index + 1 ] - num
            # end try
            except IndexError:
                forward_step_value = None
            # end except

            if backward_step_value is None:
                sub_list.append( num )
            # end if
            elif backward_step_value == forward_step_value:
                sub_list.append( num )
                if forward_step_value is None:
                    self.seq_data.append( ( sub_list_step_value, sub_list ) )
                # end if
            # end if
            elif backward_step_value == sub_list_step_value:
                sub_list.append( num )
                if sub_list:
                    self.seq_data.append( ( sub_list_step_value, sub_list ) )
                # end if
                sub_list = list()
            # end elif
                if sub_list:
                    self.seq_data.append( ( sub_list_step_value, sub_list ) )
                # end if
                sub_list = [ num ]
                if forward_step_value is None:
                    self.seq_data.append( ( sub_list_step_value, sub_list ) )
                # end if
            # end else

                sub_list_step_value = sub_list[ -1 ] - sub_list[ -2 ]
            # end try
            except IndexError:
                sub_list_step_value = None
            # end except
        # end for
    # end def gen_seq_object

    def format_elements( self ):
        format_elements = list()
        for step, num_list in self.seq_data:
            if step is None:
                format_elements.append( '%s' % ( num_list[ 0 ] ) )
            # end if
            elif step == 1:
                format_elements.append( '%s-%s' % ( num_list[ 0 ], num_list[ -1 ] ) )
            # end elif
                format_elements.append( '%s-%sx%s' % ( num_list[ 0 ], num_list[ -1 ], step ) )
            # end else
        # end for
        return format_elements
    # end def format_range

    def format_range( self ):
       return ','.join( self.format_elements() )
    # end def format_range

    def expand_range( self ):
        num_list = list()
        for r_token in self.format_range().split( ',' ):
            if r_token.isdigit():
                num_list.append( int( r_token ) )
            # end if
            elif '-' in r_token:
                if 'x' in r_token:
                    start, end, step = re.split( r'[-|x]', r_token )
                    num_list.extend( range( int( start ), int( end ) + 1, int( step ) ) )
                # end if
                    start, end = r_token.split( '-' )
                    num_list.extend( range( int( start ), int( end ) + 1 ) )
                # end else
           # end elif
        # end for
        return num_list
    # end def expand_range

# end class Foo


data = [ 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 56, 63, 66, 69, 72 ]

foo = Foo( data )

print data

print foo.format_range()

print foo.expand_range()
[1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 56, 63, 66, 69, 72]

One. Remove all #END comments. They are monstrously useless. Your indentation speaks for itself. Use it.

Two. Don't make this a class. It isn't a distinct object with distinct responsibilities. It's just an algorithm. Made up of functions. At best it's a class with all static methods.

Three. Never do this

    for index, num in enumerate( self.num_list ):
        if index - 1 < 0:
            backward_step_value = None
        # end if
            backward_step_value = num - self.num_list[ index - 1 ]
        # end else

If the first element is special, then treat it separately.

backward_step_value = self.num_list[0]
for num in self.num_list[1:]:

You rarely need the index for something like this. Indeed, the only reason for having the index appears to be to treat the first element specially.

Finally, this is a "reduction". Use a generator function

def reduce_list( some_list ):
    v= min(some_list)
    low, high = v, v
    for v in sorted(some_list)[1:]:
        if v == high+1: 
            high= high+1
            yield low, high
     yield low, high

That might yield your list of contiguous ranges. You can then format those.

format_elements( reduce_list( some_list ) )

The following solution handles non-contiguous ranges, and also preserves the behavior of ignoring ranges of length 2.

def reduce_list(seq):
    l = sorted(set(seq))
    low = high = l[0]
    step = None
    for v in l[1:]:
        if step is None or v - high == step:
            # Extend the current range.
            step = v - high
            high = v
        elif high - low == step:
            # The current range only has two values.  Yield the
            # first value, and start a new range comprising the
            # second value and the current value.
            yield low, low, None
            step = v - high
            low = high
            high = v
            # Yield the current range, and start a new one.
            yield low, high, step
            low = high = v
            step = None
    if high - low == step:
        # The final range has only two values.  Yield them
        # individually.
        yield low, low, None
        step = None
        low = high
    yield low, high, step

def format_element(low, high, step):
    if step is None:
        assert low == high
        return "%s" % (low,)
    elif step == 1:
        return "%s-%s" % (low, high)
        return "%s-%sx%s" % (low, high, step)

def format_list(seq):
    return ','.join(format_element(*e) for e in seq)

Here's some test code:

def test( *args ):
    print args, "==", format_list(reduce_list(args))

test(1, 2)
test(1, 2, 3)
test(0, 10)
test(0, 10, 20)
test(0, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16)
test(0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)
test(0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10)
test(0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28)

which outputs:

(1,) == 1
(1, 2) == 1,2
(1, 2, 3) == 1-3
(0, 10) == 0,10
(0, 10, 20) == 0-20x10
(0, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16) == 0,10-12,14,16
(0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) == 0-4x2,8,16,32,64
(0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10) == 0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10
(0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28) == 0,1,3,6,10,15,21,28

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